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Monday, August 13, 2007


CIUDAD DE PANAMA -- Desde hace bastante tiempo estoy convencido de que el turismo médico se convertirá en una de las mayores industrias de América Latina en el siglo XXI. Ahora, en una visita a Panamá, pude ver los primeros síntomas de la bonanza que producirá este sector. Lee mi columna aqui, y dinos que piensas al respecto.


Blogger Jim Wesberry said...

Tienes razon Andres. Yo acaba de tener un nuevo nieto (el octavo) nacido en el Hospital de los Valles de Quito. Este nuevo hospital es mas limpio y mas profesional que muchos que conozco en los EEUU.

9:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I read with considerable interest your Aug. 12 article
on the above mentioned topic. This is a subject dear
to me both on a personal level and a business level.

In your research for the article, you will have found
reference to Medical Tourism companies, which package
tours to several destinations for medical, dental,and
cosmetic surgery procedures. We are one of these
companies, recently established, and are growing,
albeit slowly. Interestingly, we have found Panama
and Costa Rica to be easy 'sells', and Colombia
considerably more difficult. The negative image of
Colombia in many peoples' minds, persists to quite a
degree; the usual comments--safety, kidnappying,
assasinations, etc. all come up.

Neverthelss, another interesting factor that comes up
is--among the local (Miami) Latino population,
Colombia is not so much a negative, due in large part
to the presence of many Colombians here, and the
familiarity with the language.

We have visited all of our providers, verified
credentials, and are in full agreement that the Punta
Pacifica Hospital in Panama is indeed impressive.
Simply entering the lobby one is impressed with the
surroundings, the technical expertise, and the
attitude of the welcoming staff. We have sent clients
there and they are happy.

Along the same line, we cooperate with some clinics in
Medellin and San Jose, and again, the standards are
impressive, to put it mildly.

We feel that what we do benefits those persons here
who want or need procedures that would otherwise be
unaffordable, and at the same time helps to provide
good paying jobs and professionalism in the countries
where we send clients. This may be very helpful to
those countries who experience 'brain drains.'

We have some other visions of this industry, and where
it is likely headed in the very near future.

4:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes,the hospitals are better in Latin America than many in the
U.S ,and for less than the price
you' d paid in the U.S.

7:03 AM  

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