Advanced BAT to EXE Converter

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    Advanced BAT to EXE Converter will flawlessly compile any batch file to EXE and includes very useful extended commands which are not available in normal batch files!

    Advanced BAT to EXE Converter requires English(United States) selected in the Windows Control Panel for encryption functions during compile.
    The compiled EXE will run on all Windows versions, configurations and languages after compiled.

Advanced Extended Batch File Commands Index

  Add [Number1] [Number2]
  ChangeColor [Integer_FGcolor(0-15)] [Int_BGcolor(0-15)]
  BrowseFiles [ ??? Optional_File_Extention ] [ Optional_StartPath ]
  CloseWindow "Window_Title"
  Divide [Number1] [Number2]
  FastCMD [Slot(1-9)]
  GenRandom [MaxInteger]
  GetLength [Text]
  GetPercent [Number1] [Number2]
  GreaterThan [Number1] [Number2]
  HideWindow "Window_Title"
  LaunchSilent [Text_Filename] [Options(or "" )] [Int_WaitTillFinish(1or0)]
  LessThan [Number1] [Number2]
  LimitDecimal [DecimalNumber] [Integer_X]
  Locate [Integer_Y(1-25)] [Int_X(1-80)]
  LocateAt [Integer_Y(1-25)] [Int_X(1-80)]
  MakeInteger [DecimalNumber]
  MakeLower [Text]
  MakeUpper [Text]
  MouseCmd [ x1,y1,x2,y2 ]
  Multiply [Number1] [Number2]
  PaintBoxAt [Integer_Y] [Int_X] [Int_Height] [Int_Width] [Int_BGcolor(0-15)]
  PaintScreen [Integer_BGcolor(0-15)]
  PrintBox [Integer_Height] [Int_Width] [Int_BorderType(1or2)]
  PrintBoxAt [Integer_Y] [Int_X] [Int_Height] [Int_Width] [Int_Border(1or2)]
  PrintCenter [Text] [Integer_Y(1-25)] [Int_FGcolor(0-15)] [Int_BGcolor(0-15)]
  PrintColor [Text] [Integer_FGcolor(0-15)] [Int_BGcolor(0-15)]
  PrintColorAt [Text] [Int_Y] [Int_X] [Int_FGcolor(0-15)] [Int_BGcolor(0-15)]
  ShadeBoxAt [Int_Y] [Int_X] [Int_Height] [Int_Width] [Int_ShadeType(1-4)]
  ShowWindow "Window_Title"
  Subtract [Number1] [Number2]
  Wait [Integer_Milliseconds]

NOTE - The Advanced Functions do NOT work for DOS compiled executables.

Extended Functions Usage

Tip #1 - You MUST use the prefix "rem " for the compiler to recognize the Advanced Commands. There must be only one space between REM and the Advanced Command or it will remain a COMMENT.

    rem HideSelf
    rem   HideSelf

Tip #2 - Advanced Commands with the "At" suffix (graphical commands) will hide the console cursor.
    The cursor is hidden so you can string graphical commands together without the cursor blinking on the screen.
    You may want to use the CursorShow command after you use these commands.

Tips for using Advanced BAT to EXE Converter

    Anti-virus software has become very sensitive in recent years. This software product is 100% clean and safe.
    You may have a false positive on your newly created EXE. We work closely with security products to minimized false positives but they still happen.

    Simply Google "Antivirus_Name submit false positive."
    Upload your EXE on their web-form and they will verify that it is not malicious. They will update their definition files to remove the detection in about 48 hours.
    Advanced BAT to EXE Converter PRO binaries are behind a pay-wall so there are less false positives.

    Visual Studio 2019 even has issues with anti-virus false positives. Google "Visual Studio 2019 hello world anti-virus false positive."

   Command Line Compile Usage:
     aB2Econv.exe input.BAT output.EXE

   Copy your "ab2econv411pro" installation folder out of %program files%
   to a location where you have write permissions first.

   It is recommended that you use quotes and full path filenames.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

    Anti-virus software has become very sensitive in recent years. This software product is 100% clean and safe.
    You may have a false positive on your newly created EXE. We work closely with security products to minimized false positives but they still happen.

    Simply Google "Antivirus_Name submit false positive."
    Upload your EXE on their web-form and they will verify that it is not malicious. They will update their definition files to remove the detection in about 48 hours.
    Advanced BAT to EXE Converter PRO binaries are behind a pay-wall so there are less false positives.

    Visual Studio 2019 even has issues with anti-virus false positives. Google "Visual Studio 2019 hello world anti-virus false positive."

  • Why should I use Advanced BAT to EXE Converter?
  •     You can encrypt your script to hide the code from end users. This allows you to share scripts with passwords for FTP or networking functions. You can also embed Icons and other binary files that your script needs to function and turn them all into one stand-alone EXE file to share. You also have the option of password protecting your EXE so it will not run without the correct password.

  • What makes Advanced BAT to EXE Converter better than other BAT to EXE compilers?
  •     There are over 40 Extended commands unique to Advanced BAT to EXE Converter that makes your scripts much more powerful including hiding any windows application dialog and using mouse input within your batch file script.

  • Will my batch file need any modifications before compiling?
  •     Advanced BAT to EXE Converter is the only compiler that will compile your script and not need any modifications for all complex tasks.

  • Do I have to pay for future updates?
  •     Lifetime free updates for all buyers of the PRO version. Free technical support with a fast response time for free and PRO version.

  • How do I include an Icon and Version properties when compiling a batch file with the Windows Context menu or command line?
  •     First, compile the batch file using Advanced BAT to EXE Converter with all of the project options you would like. Next, save the batch file. All of your Icon, Embedded files, Version properties are saved in the header of the batch file. These settings will be loaded and used when you compile from the command line or use the Windows Explorer context menu compile option. The only difference is that the output EXE file will always be named after the batch file instead of using the BFCPEEXE header variable.

  • How do I use Embedded files in my batch file script?
  •     Embed any of the files that your script needs to use upon execution in to your EXE using the "Embed Files" tab on the "Select EXE Options" dialog. This dialog appears after selecting your EXE filename when you hit the Build EXE button. Use the %MYFILES% variable within your script to access these files as if it was a folder.

  • The LaunchSilent extended command does not seem to work for the program that I am launching?
  •     Some windows applications will launch a second dialog that will not remain invisible. In this case, use the HideWindow extended command. Make sure you use the "rem Wait 250" extended command between launching the program and hiding it. This will allow the program time to load before attempting to hide it. You may want to launch the application minimized in this situation. Here is a quick example:

    start /MIN notepad.exe
    rem Wait 250
    rem HideWindow "Untitled - Notepad"

  • My Icon is not showing after compiling the batch file script?
  •     There is a known issue with the Windows7 fast-cache feature that in rare situations could prevent the new icon from showing at first. Simply copy your EXE to another folder and you will see the icon appear.

Graphical Enhancement Wizard

Steps to get started:

  • Choose the FG (foreground) and BG (background) colors you wish to use with the color strip (bottom right)
  • Choose type of tool in preview box (top right)
  • Click where you would like the top-left corner of the tool to start. Then click the bottom-right corner in the work surface. This should draw a box based on which tool was selected in the previous step.
  • Click the "Wait30ms" button when you wish to start a new "frame" if you are creating an animation. This will also refresh the GE Wiz window.
  • Click the "Copy Code to Clipboard" command button. Paste in Advanced BAT to EXE Converter, then BUILD EXE to test.
  • Examples can be found in the LOAD button
  • This tool is still in early stage of development, but is very useful as is.

Why buy a License?

When you order:

  • You will receive the full version immediately after payment via email download link
  • Will remove "Please Upgrade" screen that shows before each compiled batch file executes
  • You may distribute the compiled batch files to anyone, anywhere royalty free
  • You may select your own custom application icon and version info
  • If you need to reinstall the full version, it is easy as entering your registered email address in the Update section of our website
  • Free Priority email support... always here to help
  • Help the Developer who has spent thousands of hours coding this project
  • Free Upgrades for a year!

User Agreement

"BDargo Software" cannot be held responsible for any damages to you ("The Software User")
or to your equipment or any other damages by using this program
("Advanced BAT to EXE Converter").

You may distribute the ("Advanced BAT to EXE Converter") Free installer anywhere you wish.
You may NOT distribute the Upgraded ("Advanced BAT to EXE Converter PRO") version installer.

When you Upgrade to the PRO version, it grants YOU the permission to use the full version of the software.
The compiled batch files created with the full version PRO package  may be distributed to anyone, anywhere royalty free.

You may NOT allow other users who do not have a license, to use the software. Doing so will be a violation of the
User Agreement. You will lose permission to use the software and receive free upgrades to future versions.

You may NEVER distribute a modified version of this software package under any circumstances.
If you distribute a modified version of this software package you will be violating U.S.
copyright laws, will be prosecuted, and may face additional civil penalties.

If you do not agree to or understand this User Agreement, then you may not use this software package and
must uninstall and delete immediately.

Advanced BAT to EXE Converter
Copyright © 2003-2022 Brandon Dargo - BDargo Software