Molds - The Hidden Danger

Molds - The Hidden Danger

(c) Immuno Laboratories, Inc.

Editor's note: Autumn means molds are out in full force. Outdoor molds thrive in gutters, soil, rotten wood and fallen leaves. Damp weather promotes indoor mold growth as well. Check bathrooms, kitchens, basements, carpets and houseplants for mold growth. Allergic reactions may be heightened by the airborne spores molds produce. Molds, mildew and fungi are present everywhere...inside and outside. Furniture, carpet, books, even the air we breathe is full of spores. Humid, dark places with little air circulation promote the rapid growth of these fungi.

Hidden Dangers
Eating, relaxing and sleeping in a home full of allergy antagonists like mold, mildew and fungus presents your body with additional challenges which may lead to a worsening of your symptoms. Over 50 molds are considered problematic, including Stachybotrys, more commonly known as "black mold". Pulmonary hemosiderosis has been linked to toxic mold exposure by the CDC. Mold can grow behind walls and even dead molds can make you sick. Mold can be found in homes, hospitals, schools and office buildings and may not be easily noticeable. All parts of the country are affected by mold and areas where moisture or heavy rain prevails, are more susceptible to mold, mildew and fungal growth.

Hidden Mold Growth - Behind walls (drywall).
Hidden Mold Growth - Behind walls (drywall).

Mold Causes and Symptoms
Molds typically grow in buildings affected by water damage and are a potential cause of many health problems including asthma, sinusitis, and infections. People sensitive to molds are particularly uncomfortable on cloudy, rainy, damp days. Molds may also play a major role in cases of sick building syndrome and related illnesses. Allergic reactions can be caused by molds. The most reliable physical findings of mold allergy are dyshidrotic eczema, accompanied by tiny blisters on the palms of the hands. Other symptoms are nummular eczema that looks like ringworm.

EPA estimates indicate 50 to 100 common indoor mold types have the potential for creating health problems.

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Mold Types
EPA estimates indicate 50 to 100 common indoor mold types have the potential for creating health problems. Common allergenic molds include Cladosporium and Alternaria. Molds that produce mycotoxins, such as Stachybotrys and Trichoderma, can pose a serious health hazard.

Testing for Molds

Home Testing Kit - Mold growth from air sample.
Home Testing Kit - Mold growth from air sample.
If you suspect exposure to mold or are concerned about mold exposure, laboratory tests are available. A simple at-home test allows you to detect the presence of mold through an easy to use petri dish collection process. While sensitivity to mold, both immediate and delayed, should be performed by a licensed and clinically certified laboratory. Mold Presence
Numerous commercial self-testing mold kits are available at hardware stores, on the Web and at the Whole Foods MarketTM. One word of caution: Air samplings may not indicate mold spores, especially those that are not airborne and molds that are dead - which are just as toxic as live molds. Mold Sensitivity
Immuno Laboratories, widely recognized as the leading toxic food testing facility in the world, offers multiple airborne/food allergy assays.

Click here for a symptom self test to see if any of your symptoms are linked to reactions to foods toxic to your system...they may be foods you are eating every day!

The IgE Airborne and Food Allergy Assay detects the following molds:

  • Penicillium
  • Cladosporium
  • Aspergillus
  • Alternaria
  • Candida

Mold Prevention Tips

Important: Always follow instructions of commercial cleaning products and wear an approved mask if you are sensitive to chemicals.

  • Use a dehumidifier in damp areas (above 50% humidity) of your home. Change the water frequently in the dehumidifier and disinfect to prevent mold from forming.
  • Peform diligent housekeeping, clean with a solution of hot soapy water and 20 Mule Team Borax or bleach (if the item is colorfast). Use gloves and wear a mask to limit your exposure to chemicals.
  • Dry and/or replace water damaged areas and items within 24-48 hours to prevent mold growth.
  • Look for mold or mildew in attics, basements, closets, bathrooms, dirty clothes, hampers, garbage cans and children's soiled stuffed toys.
  • Check the insides of shoes for mold and scrub and dry thoroughly in the sun if possible.
  • Try to improve air circulation in the attic, basement, closets and bathroom.
  • Wipe down the refrigerator and freezer door seals. Clean the refigerator often throwing away left-overs and old produce.
  • Dry damp areas in the kitchen, laundry room, under the kitchen sink and under the lid of the washing machine.
  • Clean the lint filter after each load in the dryer.
  • Clean and/or replace air conditioner filters periodically.
  • Clean ceiling fans once per month.
  • If closets are damp, keep the light on to prevent the growth of mold and mildew.
  • Wash pillows and blankets often. Note: Feather pillows are not recommended for feather-allergic individuals! Hypo-allergenic pillows are available.
  • Outside, have fallen leaves, decaying plants and compost heaps removed.

Mold Information Resources
More information on molds may be found at EPA's website, Indoor Air - Molds

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