INEBI: INGELESA lehen hezkuntzan lantzeko materialak

A Content-Based approach to teaching and learning second languages has been adopted both for INEBI and BHINEBI.

The content-based teaching-learning approach provides a very adequate frame to organise various aspects of this proposal. It helps make the acquisition of language parallel to that of natural language acquisition and of concept development. This approach promotes the teaching of languages through the teaching of contents and it is based on a communicative methodology, far away from the traditional and grammatical language teaching methods that propose unreal and often irrelevant activities.

CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) has been applied into any teaching-learning contexts where the instruction language is not the learner’s L1. Its main or primary characteristic is the integration of the content-language dual approach, in which both aspects are worked on, but giving more importance sometimes to the content and some other times to the language, depending on the given aim and the proposed activity.

Besides, the new language teaching and learning methodologies plead for learn by doing and learn as you use and use as you learn. In fact, this is the main principle in CLIL: use language to learn and learn to use language.

CLIL approach makes the acquisition and development of the competence in linguistic communication possible and also promotes other aspects related to the teaching-learning of languages such as:

  • Knowledge about and respect for other cultures.
  • Interest and positive attitude towards multilingualism and language learning.
  • The use of the language in relevant contexts for the learner.
  • The development of the linguistic and higher cognitive skills..
  • The use of different didactic strategies for the teaching and learning of languages.
  • The learner’s motivation and self-confidence in the learning of the language and the content.