Film Music Discussion List

It was THE place to discuss film music
-- Lukas Kendall
This is the Filmus-L archive. It contains all messages posted to the e-mail list, well over hundred thousand, from the start in 1993 to the end in 2010. If you were into film music in the nineties it was the most important place to be. Read more...

Those who wish to browse through the complete archive instead of searching can start at the beginning or at the end, or use the Browse button below.

Get ready to time travel. Enjoy!

Search (by relevance/date)

This searches for words in message content, subject heading and name of author. Results are ordered by relevance or date.

A search for Star Wars will find messages containing the phrase Star Wars but also the words Star and Wars alone. It will look for complete words so it will not match Start or Warsaw.


Searching for "Star Wars" will find messages containing the complete phrase Star Wars. It will not match Star or Wars by themselves. It will also not match Star Warsaw.


Specifying words or phrases not to appear in the message. A search for Star -Wars will find messages containing the word Star but not containing the word Wars. Wars must not appear in the message text. It will find Star Trek but not Star Wars.


Specifying words or phrases to be required. Searching for Star +Wars will find messages containing the word Star and the word Wars. The word Wars is required. It will not find messages missing the word Wars. Thus it will not find Star Trek unless the word Wars is also found in the message.


A wildcard (*) can be used to search for beginnings of words. A search for Star* Wars* will match Star Wars, Star and Wars but also Start and Warsaw. The * must be at the end of the search terms.

Wildcards can only be used with words, not phrases.


Words shorter than 4 characters are ignored.

This search method is usually a lot faster the the others.

Search for substring

This will search in message content, subject heading and name of author for the complete search phrase. The results are always sorted by date (oldest first).

A search for Star Wars will match occurances of Star Wars, not Star or Wars alone. It will also match Star Warsaw but not Start Wars.

This will search for words of any length.

This is slower than word search but might be handy in some cases.

Search only in Subjects

This is like Search for substring except that it only searches in subject headings.

Search for Author

This is like Search for substring except that it only searches in names of authors.

Filmus-L was managed by H. Stephen Wright and hosted by Indiana University.
The archive is hosted and maintained by The Bernard Herrmann Society.