Schamberg’s Disease

From infancy all the way to adulthood individuals can have skin rashes, growths and blemishes. Young and old individuals have the most delicate and sensitive skin. This is why medical attention should be gained if these skin disorders appear suddenly.

Also referred to as progressive pigmented purpuric dermatitis, schamberg’s disease is a discoloration of the skin that is the result of blood leaking from small blood vessels near the surface of the skin known as capillaries. Due to the iron released from the leaking blood vessels it appears as a flat, smooth reddish-brown patch. It may look like someone placed cayenne pepper on the area at times. These areas can be itchy and uncomfortable for some individuals. It can flare up again over time and typically lasts for several weeks.

Who Can Get Them?

Schamberg’s disease can affect anyone. Males seem to get it more often then females and it can happen in both adults and children alike.

What Can Cause Them?

When a person has a leaky blood vessel wall which then allows red blood cells to get into the skin schamberg’s disease occurs. As the red blood cells fall apart they release their iron causes the rust color to give the rash an orange coloration. Medication can be the culprit in some cases, your doctor will tell you when to discontinue a medication to see if your skin ailment improves.

How Does It Happen?

It occurs when the blood leaks from the vessels near the skin’s surface. It can also be a reaction to a medication that a person is taking as well as an allergic reaction to food, clothes or other artificial coloring agents.

Where Do They Appear?

It typically affects the legs first and then spreads from there. Although it can occur anywhere on the body including the hands. The numbers that appear can also vary. The affected area will normally have it on both sides and the distribution is not regular.

What Are The Symptoms for Schamberg’s Disease?

There is no variety of symptoms for schamberg’s disease. The discoloration of skin on the lower part of the body is the main symptom. It may be itchy at times for some individuals with this disease. A person may experience pain in rare instances.

How Can It Be Diagnosed?

Schamberg’s disease is confirmed by a skin biopsy done by a doctor or dermatologist. They will take a sample from the affected area and examine it under a microscope. Other forms of purpura can be ruled out with this method.

What Treatments Are Available?

Schamberg’s disease has no cure. For many years these patches can continue to appear. An individual will need to apply cortisone cream to the affected area if it itches. A doctor may prescribe some other types of medications to help with blood circulation in rare cases. Taking vitamins such as Vitamin C have helped some individuals in some cases.

Your doctor may recommend that you change your diet in some cases. You may be advised to avoid foods with preservatives and artificial coloring agents. You can probably go back to your normal diet if the skin disorder doesn’t improve. A doctor may recommend wearing support hosiery if only a few patches appear since it may be caused by abnormal vein function. Some laser treatments can currently be considered, but none of them offer a definite treatment for schamberg’s disease.

Schamberg’s disease is common and it causes more of a cosmetic problem than a health issue. The discoloration of the flat, smooth patches that resemble cayenne pepper can be unpleasant for people to view. Although this ailment is typically simple and non life threatening in most cases. Always speak with your doctor if the condition becomes uncomfortable and they will help your relieve some of your symptoms.

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