Apr 26, 2024

Developed by
Chris Carcerano

Pro-Masque Goalkeeper Masks

Please read and the following link about the non-certified Pro Masque goalie face-Masks that may be in use. If any player has one of these, they can not use it in any USAH sanctioned activity and must cease immediate use of it.


CAHA Supports Parent Education Programs

Positive Coaching Alliance, a national non-profit based at Stanford University, is creating a movement to transform the culture of youth sports so that every youth athlete can have a positive, character-building experience. When the adults involved with youth sports understand and play their appropriate roles, youth sports becomes a beautiful experience, in which youth athletesfrom grade school through high schoollearn lessons that will last a lifetime.

Positive Coaching Alliance

Character Counts!Sports

Character Counts!Sports develops programs and materials to help coaches and other adults equip youth with values to meet life's challenges, on and off the field.The main focus of CHARACTER COUNTS! Sports is the Pursuing Victory With Honor sportsmanship campaign.

Character Counts!Sports