wasperformed FacialSurgery.com
Steven M. Denenberg, M.D.
Dr. Denenberg's articles on Medium.com.

Revision Rhinoplasty

A rhinoplasty is a revision if the nose has been operated on before.  The woman pictured above had an unsuccessful rhinoplasty, leaving her with the nose that we see at left.  Dr. Denenberg performed her revision operation; above right you see her appearance after the revision.

Revision rhinoplasty is far more difficult than a first-time rhinoplasty.  The first operation alters the normal anatomy of the nose, and scar tissue is deposited under the skin after the first operation.  Those changes make it much more difficult to make desired corrections during the revision operation.

When you are looking for a surgeon to perform a revision rhinoplasty, your most important task is to see his revision rhinoplasty before and after photographs.

You need to see whether he has been able to accomplish for other people the changes that you seek for yourself.

Click here to view Dr. Denenberg's before and after revision rhinoplasty photographs.