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Agrochemical Transnational Corporations and Human Rights Violations

PAN shows support to upcoming tribunal vs. Monsanto

As the date for the historic Monsanto Tribunal draws near, an increasing number of civil society organizations are expressing support to the initiative that aims to make the agrochemical giant to answer for its various crimes against the people and the environment.

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News & Updates

People’s verdict vs. Agrochem TNCs revisited as Monsanto Tribunal nears
6 October 2016, PAN Asia Pacific

PENANG, Malaysia – Five years ago the Permanent People’s Tribunal (PPT) found Monsanto and five other giant agrochemical companies guilty of “gross, widespread and systematic violations of the right to health and life, economic, social and cultural rights, as well as of civil and political rights, and women and children's rights.”


Bees prefer foods containing neonicotinoid pesticides
Received 24 January 2015 Accepted 20 March 2015 Published online 22 April 2015

"The bees actually chose to drink more of the solution that contained the neonicotinoids," lead scientist Geraldine Wright said during a press conference. "We were in shock." Over the course of their experiments, researchers found that honeybees showed a 10 percent to 15 percent greater preference for the toxin-laced solutions, and bumblebees showed up to a 40 percent preference.


Monsanto sued in Los Angeles County for false advertising
21 April 2015, Nancy Swanson, Seattle GMO Examiner

Suit alleges Monsanto is guilty of false advertising by claiming that glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup, targets an enzyme only found in plants and not in humans or animals.
EXCERPT: In today's lawsuit, Monsanto is accused of deliberate falsification to conceal the fact that glyphosate is harmful to humans and animals.


Glyphosate is a "probably carcinogenic" pesticide. Why do cities still use it?
21 April 2015, Ian Wylie, The Guardian

Cities use glyphosate to control weeds in parks and along verges. Now that the WHO says the pesticide is "probably carcinogenic to humans", is it time to stop? If not, why is holding back cities and countries from banning this pesticide?


Cow Milk Without the Cow Is Coming to Change Food Forever
15 April 2015

Is human manipulation of DNA "unnatural"? Humans have been consciously intervening in the natural environment - and screwing it up. But just because this is possible, that doesn't mean we should do it. Many vegans, in particular, frown on genetically modified organisms, and biotech critics question the safety of fiddling with nature's alphabet.


Fears over Roundup herbicide residues prompt private testing
10 April 2015

Recent tests by private labs have found residues of Monsanto's glyphosate weed-killer, in samples of honey, soy sauce, infant formula and even breast milk. Evidence provided in the article indicates that glyphosate, which Monsanto developed and marketed beginning in the early 1970s, is more prevalent than previously believed.


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